2019 PCA Magazine

PREMIUMCIGARS.ORG JULY-AUGUST 2019 | PCA The Magazine 49 The definition of collaboration is simple, but the act is considerably more difficult, especially when the effort is between two or more creative minds. It’s challenging enough to envision an idea and bring it to fruition, let alone sharing that responsibility with someone else. How scientists and artists, authors and musicians, inventors and entrepreneurs can work together to present an idea or realize a tangible object is in itself a remarkable accomplishment. To do so in a truly collaborative way, there needs to be a good deal of give-and- take, and to some degree a tamping down of egos. Jon Huber of Crowned Heads, right, and Willy Herrera of Drew Estate. The result of their collaboration is La Coalicion. C I G A R C O L L A B O R A T I O N S