2019 PCA Magazine
E V E N T S 16 CigarCon Consumers have been clamoring for it and PCA is ready to oblige. Next year’s trade show will kick off with a new group of attendees. 64 Showtime Schedule and directory for the industry’s biggest premium cigar and pipe tobacco event of the year. I N E V E R Y I S S U E 08 Editor’s Note 10 News &Notes 88 5 Questions A N A L Y S I S 20 The Blend: Ogre Asylum 13’s Ogre looks fearsome, but it is actually forgiving and complex. Still, the look, well, the look is simply unforgettable. 48 Collaborative Creations More and more manufacturers are recognizing the creative advantages, and the enjoyment, of working together to develop a decidedly distinctive product . 54 Outside the Cigar Box: Airlines &Hospitals What do Southwest Airlines and the Mayo Clinic have to do with cigars? It’s all about process . 54 CONT ENTS 58 64 PREMIUM CIGAR ASSOCIATION PCA C O L U M N S 58 The Tobacconist Curt Diebel offers some words of wisdom after 45 years in the business. 60 The Pipe William Nelson believes pipes are forever and he dug out an “old, encrusted, no-name estate pipe” to prove it. 62 The Industry Kurt Van Keppel shares his lessons learned from building XIKAR from the ground up. One spoiler: Surround yourself with good people. D E P A R T M E N T S J U L Y | A U G | 2 0 1 9
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