PCA Magazine Fall 2019

24 PCA The Magazine | SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2019 PREMIUMCIGARS.ORG The Blend cigar performed sensationally.” Nat Sherman cigars are manufactured in the Dominican Republic with the Quesada family; Nicaragua with the Plasencia family; and Honduras with Davidoff in their Camacho factory, a relationship that began with the Eiroa family. Timeless Sterling is manufactured by Quesada Cigars in Licey, Dominican Republic. The Sherman family had been working with the Quesadas since the early 1990s. Herklots says his own relationship with the Quesadas goes back to around 2002. “So when I joined Nat Sherman in 2011, I immediately found a wonderful synergy to grow our businesses together,” he recalls. Some of the filler tobaccos in Timeless Sterling are aged for significantly longer than the leaf used in many mainstream cigars— as long as 10 years—and supply can sometimes become an issue for companies that are committed to using well-aged leaf. Fortunately, the Quesadas have been able to maintain enough aged inventory to satisfy Nat Sherman’s growing demand for Timeless Sterling. Nat Sherman International takes great pride in Timeless Sterling’s success, but it does not pretend to be a cigar for every person or every occasion. It is tailor-made for customers who appreciate elegance and balance. Herklots says, “As I mentioned previously, at the time Sterling was released there was a trend toward strength and power in cigars. But that has never been a goal for us. We strive for balance. The expression of Sterling is one that resonates withmy palate the way a white Burgundy does. Whilemany white wines are light and crisp, white Burgundy has a body that’s heavier and rich … Sterling delivers quite a similar experience.” The Nat Sherman story goes beyond a cigar or a series or label. Herklots says: “Our story goes to who we are as a company. We are committed to partnership. Our retail partners, and their consumers, remain our primary focus. We have an unwavering commitment to excellence. Our portfolio is thoughtfully curated. After all, a company like ours could offer a portfolio of significantly larger scale. But our attention to the right product mix, and our dedication tomaintaining consistency and excellence across our products year after year, set us apart.” JackMilstead, co-owner of Bouch’s PremiumCigars in Fairhope, Alabama, says his shop was one of the first in the state of Alabama to carry Nat Sherman cigars. He is very happy with the new product mix. “We like the boxes, especially with the Metropolitan series, because the way it is conceived we can carry more facings in a smaller space, and so offer our customers greater variety,” he says. Nat Sherman is also passionate about education, for their retailers and for the consumer. Ledbetter of UpDown Cigars recalls a Nat Sherman event he staged: “They actually gave an informative seminar on cigar leaf types and blending. They are clearly interested in cultivating an informed client base.” No doubt, better dissemination of knowledge stimulates interest and advocacy, not only for a company’s brands, but in this case for the famous Nat Sherman name—and for the industry as a whole. Herklots certainly believes so. “Themore we all learn about what makes premiumcigars so special, and what makes the Nat Sherman portfolio of premium cigars evenmore special, themore our industry can grow, and by default all of our businesses can grow,” he says. “That’s our goal. It’s a delicate balance of growing while preserving. It’s a long-term strategy.” Timeless Sterling is available in Churchill, Corona Gorda, Dalias, Marevas, Perlas, Robusto, Short Robusto and Super Lancero. Prices range from$9.95–$19.50 per cigar. Merchants who wish to add Nat Sherman cigars to their offerings, including the luxurious Timeless Sterling, can reach James Shaffer, Nat Sherman’s national sales director, at 201.694.6190 or by emailing jshaffer@natsherman. com .