PCA Magazine Show Issue 2021

12 PCA The Magazine | SHOW 2021 PREMIUMCIGARS.ORG G O V E R N M E N T B R I E F I N G Government Briefing Trojan Horse of Youth Access By Glynne Loope and Joshua Habursky This year during legislative sessions in Montana and North Dakota, members introduced bills to permit cigar bars or lounges, as exemptions to their clean air act statutes. Before the story goes further, it’s important to note that this is a model for others across the nation, and a message for all who have a passion for great cigars. The legislation would allow for venues that welcome legal adult patrons to enjoy a cocktail alongside a premium cigar. You know, treat people like real adults who don’t need a babysitter. Aside from the personal enjoyment of consumers, this legislation would add to state and local revenue and promote tourism through these new venues. As we all know, cigar smokers travel, are consistently looking for new lounges to enjoy, and love telling friends about their latest discovery. Providing age-verified venues should be an area of consensus among industry and public health advocates who wage legislative, regulatory, and public relations battles over youth access to tobacco products. Unfortunately, many public health groups have taken a scorched- earth approach to abolish tobacco products and neglect the health and economic evidence surrounding premium cigars and pipe tobacco. A case in point arose in Maine this year: Representative Matt Harrington introduced a bill to allow for nonalcoholic drinks to be served in cigar shops and lounges. That’s right: water, soft drinks and coffee. The opposition health care groups resoundingly opposed the bill, stating that it will open a tidal wave of exemptions. The Attorney General of Maine opposed because it would reverse their war on smoking and tobacco, and when Representative Harrington said “How about just water?”, one witness for testimony said, News + Notes cont. N E W S + N O T E S cigar industry that want to be involved or are currently working up proposals. Along with the Synergy Program, we are very excited to be part of PCA this year, working together closely with PCA leadership and staff. You can find our beautiful 30 x 30 donated booth at No. 1571. Please come by, say hello and grab a cup of CFW coffee made by Janus Coffee Roasters! Cigars for Warriors (CFW) is a dedicated 501(c)3 military charity with the No. 1 priority of taking care of our deployed troops. CFW sends premium cigars, the No. 1 requested item by our troops, as well as coffee, video games, magazines, swag, cutters and lighters. Premium cigars are the only item CFW currently guarantees, yet more and more, they are able to supply enhanced Warrior Care packages with coffee and other types of swag. CFW has earned some of the highest ratings in the nonprofit world for its transparency and the way the organization utilizes its monetary donations. None of the more than 200 volunteers are paid a salary, including the Board of Directors. CFW has been in operation since 2012 and, to date, has shipped nearly 1.2 million premium cigars, hundreds of pounds of pipe tobacco and thousands of tobacco pipes, magazines, cutters and lighters along with nearly a half ton of boutique coffee. There are many ways to serve, including serving those who serve our country. #Live2Serve