PCA Magazine Show Issue 2021
48 PCA The Magazine | SHOW 2021 PREMIUMCIGARS.ORG L The Value Proposition of Being Likeable LONG BEFORE I began my retail tobacconist journey, I was mentored by a Fortune 500 CEO who had built one of the fastest growing defense firms from scratch. When I asked him the secret of his success, he stated that he “maintains a better relationship with his customers than his competitor.” He further shared the three secrets to business success in ANY industry—and the conclusion that you only had to get two of them right. The three secrets are: | BY JOSH EVARTS, The Vault, Meridian, Idaho The Tobacconist 1. Be likable. 2. Be likable. 3. Have a great product or service. The underlying truth of this is profound. Any business that has a great product or service is at risk if they aren’t likable and easy to work with. Likewise, a business that makes relationships and likability an area
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