PCA Magazine Summer 2022

32 PCA The Magazine | VOLUME 3 2022 PREMIUMCIGARS.ORG of comments offered positive insights on the cigar, evenwith Blanco andFuente searching for criticismwhile sharing insights onhowFuente approaches his blends. “I blendwith dreams,” said Fuente. “If you know tobacco, yourmemorywill envisionwhat youwant to achieve. Imake a blendwith thememories I’ve accumulated.” As for Fuente’s take on the cigar: “I wouldn’t put it on the market without tweaking it. I didn’t knowwhat the outcome was going to be using 13 tobaccos. It’s good, but good doesn’tmake perfect.” Inflationwas amajor topic during the State of Retail discussion that followed the Fuente Experience. Panelist SteveCastro noted that with price increases, customers are thinking more about what they’re buying. That, in turn, has informed his buying patterns. Castro said, “Right now, I’mstickingwithwhat I knowbecause of the economy. I’mstickingwith thewinners.” JayDavis echoedCastro’s thoughts, adding that he’smore hesitant to take chances with newproducts until the economy settles. Events were another topic of discussion that all the panelists agreedwas important for their businesses. Online sales continue to be a big threat for brick- and-mortar, and the panelists suggested that shops need to offer special events one or two times a Above, families of Arturo Fuente and Padron Cigars celebrate the much-heralded collaboration to honor the patriarchs of their respective companies. While distribution of these unique cigars—Fuente’s Carlos Fuente Jr. honoring Jose O. Padron, and Padron’s Jorge Padron honoring Carlos A. Fuente—is still pending, it's believed they will be available in a 40-count commemorative box. A B R I G H T F U T U R E